News Trading Rule

See our news trading rule below.

In our ongoing effort to calibrate our trading ecosystem, we have enhanced our trading conditions and rules to better serve the diversity of our trading community. The modification pertains to the "News Trading" protocol, with immediate applicability and enforcement.

Detailed Rule Revision:

Profit Acknowledgment Adjustment

We acknowledge the strategic foresight of swing traders. Profits from positions established prior to the release of news and liquidated within a 8-minute bracket around the news publication are now officially recognised. This recalibration is designed to reward the trade planning of our swing trading traders without imposing undue restrictions on their strategies.

Profit Exclusion Specification

To deter speculative behaviours catalysed by forthcoming high-impact news, profits from positions opened and closed within a critical 16-minute period, 8-minutes before and 8-minutes after the news release will be omitted from performance evaluation and within the funded stage profits during this window will be forfeited. This rule is established to preserve the integrity of trading strategies grounded in extensive analysis rather than on impulsive reactions to momentary news events. At Bullo we strongly encourage risk management strategies and believe this rule best serves our traders and internal objectives.

Clarified Illustrative Scenarios

Scenario A - Proactive Positioning Strategy: Swing Trader Anna exhibits strategic mastery by securing a EUR/USD position three hours preceding a forecasted GDP declaration, she closes her trade 9-minutes after the news release. The ensuing news causes market movement, culminating in her position achieving its profit target. Given the initiation of her trade outside the defined restrictive window, Anna's profits are rightfully acknowledged.
Scenario B - Immediate Reaction Deterrent: Trader Bob, known for embracing volatility, capitalises on an emergent opportunity, initiating a GBP/USD trade barely two minutes before the unemployment figures are unveiled. He concludes his trade three minutes post-announcement. While profitable, this trade falls within the designated high-risk period, and consequently, Bob's gains are exempted from his performance metrics.
This policy underscores our commitment to mirroring authentic trading scenarios and to endorsing a robust learning platform. Our objective remains steadfast - to bolster our clients' risk management, enabling their progression within their trading journey.
We extend our gratitude for our traders’ cooperative spirit and adaptability. Our adaptability is steered towards accommodating the diverse strategies of our traders.
Stay vigilant of updates on high-impact news events to optimise your trading strategy.
The above policy will be kept under constant review and we may decide to increase or decrease the time of the 16-minute window based on our data and internal monitoring.

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